About the project
Fraser River
This project was conducted by Freestone Aquatics upper Fraser River near Winter Park, CO. This effort aimed to restore 1,700 linear feet of stream along with 850 square feet of palustrine wetland.
When approaching this stretch of the Fraser River in the site-evaluation phase, the Freestone Aquatics team identified areas of sediment deposition due to natural and anthropogenic causes that had diverted the stream from its historic channel. By removing the excess sediment and diverting the water back into the original stream channel through streambank restoration, we have established more available aquatic habitat and palustrine wetlands. The streambank restoration was created with large native boulders and woody debris to divert flow into the historic channel while reducing flow velocity. This will create lasting protection for the previously degraded bank within the channel, thalweg definition and low flow meander was established throughout the reach with the introduction of point bars and lateral cobble bars. These introduced structures have also created habitat for macroinvertebrates while increasing overall stream function
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