About the project
Lower Blue River
In conjunction with Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the National Forest Service, Freestone developed an aquatic habitat improvement design. This project will enhance and restore aquatic resource function to 0.42-miles of the lower Blue River that is shared by a private landowner and the National Forest. Primary goals of the project are to encourage recruitment and fish retention across the reach through thalweg definition, low-flow channel establishment, point bar creation, and connecting segmented riffle-pool habitats through careful manipulation of the existing streambed. The integration of all the mentioned design features will produce an increase in macroinvertebrate production, provide low flow constriction, as well as provide deep water holding habitats and promote organism movement across the reach. The increase of aquatic resource function is directly aimed at regaining Gold Medal fishery status that once blanketed the lower Blue River. By working directly with public and private entities we were able to meet the needs of multiple parties as well as the needs of the river system. This project shows potential for a quick rebound to back to a Gold Medal fishery with a sustainable restoration design.
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